Liturgical Ministries

God begins the work of sanctifying people in time and space and brings that work to completion. Those who respond to God in worship and in service are given the privilege of becoming co-workers in the divine plan. —From Built of Living Stones

There are a number of ways to serve in the liturgical life of the parish:

Cross Bearer: The cross bearer’s responsibilities include carrying the holy cross and holding the book for the Presider. Our cross bearers range in age from Middle School on up.

Usher/ Greeter:  Often the first people in the parish to greet those coming in for Mass each week, the ushers/greeters reflect the welcoming aspect of our community to parishioners and visitors. Some other responsibilities include taking the collection and directing the congregants for Communion. Our ushers/ greeters are all ages, the youngest ones being in elementary school.

Lectors:  Our readers proclaim the word of God with great care during the Liturgy of the Word. They also lead the community in prayer during the Intercessions. Typically, these ministers have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Eucharistic Ministers: Our Communion Ministers serve at the table in the preparation of the gifts of bread and wine, and share the Eucharistic with members of the faith community. These ministers have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Ministry Coordinator: The role of the MC is the most involved of all of the liturgical ministers. They are responsible for setting up for Communion before mass, for checking in all of the other liturgical ministers, and for coordinating the Eucharistic Ministers for distribution of Communion. New Ministry Coordinators are typically experienced Eucharistic Ministers.

Bread Baker: Here at Saint Mary Catholic Community we use freshly baked unleavened bread for Communion. Our bread bakers are well trained and attend to this responsibility with great care and dedication.

Linens: Each week the used linens are collected and properly cleaned and cared for by a dedicated team.

Art & Environment: The worship space in our church building supports our communal celebrations. Great care is taken to honor God and minister to all who come to this place with beauty. The coordinator of this ministry, with the help of volunteers, attends to the changing of our liturgical colors and enhancing our worship space during the various seasons.

Liturgical Commission: The Commission’s purpose is to support the development, promotion and coordination of full, active and conscious participation by the parish community in the liturgical life of the community. They meet regularly to prayer, reflect, learn and help in preparations for our liturgies.

Music: See the separate webpage for Music Ministry.

For more information on serving in one of our parish liturgical ministries, please contact our Director of Liturgy, Eileen Brody in the parish office.

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We are excited to announce our Administrative Assistant/Communications Coordinator job opening! If you are interested to join our team, click on Read More!

Saint Mary Catholic Community
Saint Mary Catholic Community

Saint Mary Catholic Community