Liturgy & Music

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Our Liturgical Life

“The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed… the source from which all her power flows…” Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy #10

Liturgy today refers to the “work of the people together in Christ.” It is our ritual prayer to God through Christ and always contains the element of the paschal mystery, our “dying and rising in Christ.” Liturgy also includes Morning and Evening Prayer and the celebration of the rites of the sacraments.

 Here at Saint Mary Catholic Community we seek to be an accepting, loving community for all people, empowered by the Holy Spirit to bear witness to our faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. As a people called by Baptism, we come together in our liturgies to be nourished by word, community and Eucharist. In our communal prayer, God’s presence is experienced, shared and celebrated.

Our liturgical ministers and musicians are a significant part of our communal celebrations.  They give generously of their time and talents to serve the Lord and their parish community in love and dedication to their faith. Training is available for new ministers, and all the baptized are invited to join any of liturgical ministries and music groups at any time.

View this presentation of one of our frequent hymns by the composer: We Belong to You

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Saint Mary Catholic Community
Saint Mary Catholic Community

Saint Mary Catholic Community